ATTENTION: Women over 30 who WANT to finally feel badass beautiful again!

Accelerate Your Results With The

16 Weeks of Customized 1:1, Mindset, Fitness & Nutrition Coaching

Are you also a resident of Barbados? Ask about the Barbados Bonus (personal training & gym membership)!

Drop the inconsistency and receive the customized guidance, accountability, and support that has helped 300+ women take control of their health for good, become an absolute STUNNER and get into THAT sexy red dress!

Accelerate Your Results With The

16 Weeks of Customized 1:1, Mindset, Fitness & Nutrition Coaching

Are you also a resident of Barbados? Ask about the Barbados Bonus (personal training & gym membership)!

Drop the inconsistency and receive the customized guidance, accountability, and support that has helped 300+ women take control of their health for good, become an absolute STUNNER and get into THAT sexy red dress!

"This is what I needed..."

“...from getting past my plateau to flattening my stomach for the first time since having my son, to lowering my blood pressure, I'm all the way better!"”
- Tania

Hire the coach that built 
Miss Universe bodies.

Have you ever felt like…

  • No matter what you eat or how you train, you still don’t like what you see in the mirror?  
  • Or that even though you’re counting calories or cutting out food groups, you can’t seem to sustain the results? 
  • Or that maybe, you just don’t have the “right metabolism” or the “right body type” to get fit? 
…It’s frustrating, isn’t it? 

The truth is, getting and staying fit is so much simpler than most of us allow it to be…

Hi, my name is Cary (aka Coach C) and I’m inviting you to the most effective 16 weeks of mindset, fitness and nutrition you’ve ever experienced.
For the last 20 years, I’ve helped people like you move past “diet mentality” to finally achieve dramatic, sustainable results. 

Unlike most programs that set you up to rely on complicated systems, expensive meal plans, and unrealistic workout schedules that are destined to fail once the program ends…

My goal is to strip away all of the unnecessary “rules” and help you create a plan you can commit to so you can unleash a fitter, happier, and healthier version of yourself in just 16 weeks. 

What’s Included in Body Stunner?


  • 12-16 weeks of progressive gym-based workouts that you can customize based on your schedule, preferences, and goals 
  • Video technique reviews to help you improve your form, answer questions, and monitor progression
  • Weekly progress markers and plan adjustments 


  • Customizable meal plans based on your grocery budget, preferences, and goals
  • Easy-to-follow recipe guides for any dietary restrictions
  • Food journal reviews for plan adjustments


  • Targeted weekly check-ins
  • Unlimited EverFit Messenger access between 9am-5pm, Mon to Fri 
  • Private Group (not Facebook) access with my team and community
WHY Work With Me? 
  • Over 20 years experience working with women of all body types
  • Your 'one-stop-shop' as a certified trainer, nutritionist and life coach whose clients have graced the Miss Universe stage
  • I don't follow nor promote unhealthy fads nor quick fixes
  • ​You'll get personalized support so you never feel alone
  • ​Certified by the best in the industry including NSCA, NASM, CHI, NCI and more
Here’s What’s Possible In Just 16 weeks…
*Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.
*Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.
*Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.
*Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.
*Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.
*Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.
Why Does This online
16 Week STUNNER Program
Work So Well? 
My approach works because it’s about uncovering what works for YOU. 

Don’t like kale? It won’t be in your meal plan. Only have 15 minutes per day to work out? Then let’s find the most effective way to move your body in those 15 minutes you have to spare. 

As a coach, it’s not my job to hand-feed you new, impossible rules to follow — it’s my job to know the research, know the science, and have the tools available for you so you can be guided towards what feels good for you. 

That’s what’s different about working with me, and that’s why this program has produced fast yet sustainable results for more than X# people like you.

“A few years ago I was diagnosed with adenomyosis and to manage the heavy and painful and long periods, ”

“I was prescribed hormones to stop my periods. The reaction to my body was immediate, I gained weight, had acne, my hair started breaking. I gained over 50lbs in a few weeks.

In 2021 I had a crisis and was hospitalized and eventually I decided I couldn't deal with this anymore, none of my clothes fit me any more, I didn't want to buy more clothes, and I definitely did not feel like myself. So I decided with my doctor to get a hysterectomy. So while the surgery happened in 2022, the weight didn't move. I'd been working out almost 6 days a week in 2021 but with the hormones it definitely wasn't moving.

I saw the programme advertised and I thought well, let me try it out and I encouraged my friend to do it with me.
The meal plan and work outs were intense, but I felt that it was something I could try just to see if it could jumpstart my weight loss journey. 
For a while I just seemed stuck at a particular weight. It really didn't move. So the weekly weigh ins when I dropped down 10lbs, I was ecstatic.
I'm also really proud of myself for sticking to the meal plan...
I'm able to fit into my clothes that I hadn't fit into for almost 2 years.”
- Lani
What to Expect In thIS COACHED
16 week 1:1 

WEEK 1-2

Focus on learning healthy eating habits. This might involve tracking calories and macronutrients (carbs, protein, fat) to understand your baseline intake. You might experience some initial cravings and adjustments as you ditch processed foods for whole foods.

Expect soreness and fatigue as your body adapts to new movements. Start slow, prioritize proper form, and listen to your body.

Expect some self-doubt and frustration, especially with soreness and initial difficulty. It's important to stay positive and celebrate small wins.

WEEK 3-4

Increased motivation and excitement as you see and feel physical changes.

Increased endurance and strength should be noticeable. You might find activities like climbing stairs easier.

As your body adjusts, you'll likely feel more energized and experience less bloating. Finding healthy snacks and meal prepping can become easier.

WEEK 5-6

Continued focus on healthy eating. You might start experimenting with new recipes and feeling more confident in your food choices.

Continued improvement in strength and stamina. You might be able to increase weights or reps in your workouts.

You might encounter social pressures or negativity from others. Stay focused on your goals and celebrate with supportive people.

WEEK 7-8

Nutrition: Fine-tuning your diet for results.

Exercise: Plateaus might occur. Don't get discouraged! Push yourself, consider consulting your trainer for program tweaks.

Emotions: Focus on non-scale victories like increased strength and energy if plateaus lead to discouragement.

WEEK 9-10

Nutrition: By now, healthy eating should feel more natural. You might adjust calorie intake slightly based on progress.

Exercise: Continued progress, workouts might feel challenging but more rewarding.

Emotions: A sense of accomplishment and pride should start to develop.

WEEK 11-12

Nutrition: Fine-tuning your nutrition for optimal results.

Exercise: Significant physical changes like muscle definition and improved coordination are likely.

Emotions: Increased confidence and empowerment

WEEK 13-14

Nutrition: Feeling empowered by your control over your diet.

Exercise: Workouts feel more challenging but also more rewarding.

Emotions: A strong sense of accomplishment and pride should dominate.

WEEK 15-16

Nutrition: Fine-tuning your nutrition to maintain results.

Exercise: Celebrate significant physical changes and improved fitness level.

Emotions: Feeling confident and empowered by your transformation.

WEEK 17+

Celebrate and graduate!

Where your new RED DRESS at our 

Choose your next goal and reach for the stars!
This Program IS FOR YOU IF…
  • You want a long-term solution to reach and sustain a healthy weight, more energy, and better mobility
  • You’re done with quick fixes that burn you out and make you want to quit
  • You're willing to cook or have someone cook for you
  • You’re willing to make the same commitment to your body as you did to getting your degree
  • You have access to a gym, 5x/week minimum, for 60-90 mins/day, for at least 16 weeks
  • You’re ready to show up for yourself and invest in your health 
  • You’re coachable and willing to make some small changes for the sake of your progress
  • You're ready to invest primarily in your health
  • You’re not willing to carve out time to show up for workouts and check-ins
  • You don’t have a stable internet connection
  • You're injured or suffering from chronic pain
  • You only have access to dumbbells and/or aren't willing to train hard, most days of the week
  • You’re still looking for a quick fix even if it means you lose your results as quickly as you achieved them
  • You’re not coachable 
  • You’re looking for an in-person fitness coach OR classes
  • You're expecting to spend pennies to get fantastic results
Who Is
coach c?
Cary Holder is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist with a degree in Physical Education, who is passionate about helping women avoid the trap of avoiding self care in favour of giving all of their being to others. Since 2001, he has been helping women over 30 achieve fierce confidence and a body they are proud of by using what is now knowns as The Red Dress Body Project.

In his free time, Cary likes to enjoy the beach, write poetry and watch great movies! 
Frequently Asked Questions:

Why do I need to apply to Stunner? 

My goal is to make sure this program is the perfect fit for anyone who joins, which is why there’s an application process. I want to set you up for success, whether it’s with this program or one that’s a better fit for your needs and goals right now. 

What happens when I apply to Stunner? 

When you click the button to apply, you’ll be taken to a short form. The questions on the form allow me to understand what your challenges are at the moment, and what you’re wanting to achieve. From there, you’ll be able to book a time and date for a FREE 15-minute call on my calendar to discuss your form and see if this high-level program is a good fit for you. Either way, I will make sure you leave with a resource, program, or guidance that can help you with your next steps!

How is this program different?

This program is different because you’re different! I customize your plan to YOU — your needs, your preferences, and even your schedule. I want to set you up for success, not failure, so everything we do together is highly tailored to what will work best for you to stay consistent. 

Do you have a guarantee? 

Yes, read everything HERE.

Achieving optimal health and fitness is not an exact science and the combination of exercise and input to achieve desired results may vary from individual to individual. Following lifestyle, fitness, nutrition and general health tips or programs contained on this website/blog does not guarantee that you will achieve the desired results or that you will look like images that might be posted on this website/blog.
Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.

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